4 things you need to know about powers of attorney in the UAE
https://www.legalinz.com/blog/4-things-you-need-to-know-about-powers-of-attorney-in-the-uae/Here are the four (4) most important things you need know about powers of attorney in the United Arab Emirates
Process of signing a power of attorney outside the UAE
https://www.legalinz.com/blog/process-of-signing-a-power-of-attorney-outside-the-uae/If you intend to sign the power of attorney outside the UAE and then use it in the UAE, the power of attorney is required to undergo the process of legalization and authentication.
Process of signing a power of attorney in the UAE
https://www.legalinz.com/blog/process-of-signing-a-power-of-attorney-in-the-uae/It is important that a power of attorney is signed before a notary public in the UAE for it to become legally valid and acceptable to the third parties and government departments.
Types of Powers of Attorney in the UAE
https://www.legalinz.com/blog/types-of-powers-of-attorney-in-the-uae/Given the wide variety of powers that are included in powers of attorney, it is important to understand the types of powers of attorney that are used in the UAE.
Wills in Ras Al Khaimah | Wills legal specialists for Ras Al Khaimah
https://www.legalinz.com/blog/wills-in-ras-al-khaimah/Jurisdiction of the DIFC Courts Wills Service is extended to Wills in Ras Al Khaimah. Wills for assets Ras Al Khaimah have thus been given legal certainty.
Limited Liability of executors in DIFC Wills
https://www.legalinz.com/blog/limited-liability-of-executors-in-difc-wills/What is the limitation on liability of executors under DIFC WPR Rules? It is important to understand that liability of the executors is limited in DIFC Wills.
Liabilities and Residuary Estate in DIFC Wills
https://www.legalinz.com/blog/liabilities-and-residuary-estate-in-difc-wills/it is important to understand how the payment of liabilities and distribution of residuary estate (whatever left for distribution) work under the DIFC WPR Rules
Appointment and responsibility of guardians DIFC
https://www.legalinz.com/blog/appointment-of-guardians-under-difc-wpr-rules/How does appointment of guardians work under DIFC WPR Rules? The appointment of guardians under 21 years is one of the most important features in DIFC Wills.
Powers of Executors under DIFC WPR Rules
https://www.legalinz.com/blog/powers-of-executors-under-difc-wpr-rules/The executors have all the powers conferred by the DIFC Will, the DIFC WPR Rules and the DIFC law.
Duties of Executors under DIFC WPR Rules
https://www.legalinz.com/blog/duties-of-executors-under-difc-wpr-rules/The duties of executors appointed under DIFC Wills are set out in DIFC WPR Rules. Any person over the age of 21 years can be appointed as an executor.